
At ZEC Consulting we are specialists in the preparation of account auditing reports for companies.


We prepare mandatory and voluntary annual accounts audit reports

We provide high quality integrated audit services that add value, helping to manage risks and improve the quality of the business and financial information through our unique audit approach and information systems and tools.

We also perform quality improvement audits of company procedures


We also carry out audits of Grants

Both at State level and by some Autonomous Communities and City Councils, subsidies or loans are granted for certain activities that are of interest to their area of influence and need to be audited by an auditor.

All these subsidies require an audit report justifying the expenses incurred for the subsidy, which must be certified by an auditor, with the collaboration of a team of auditors specialized in reports for subsidies.

If you wish to contract our Audit service, please do not hesitate to contact us through the following form.

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