Labour Consultancy

At ZEC Consulting we offer you continuous advice both on labour legislation and on the optimum application of labour regulations.

Our initial objective is the study, design and implementation of a administrative-labour aspects to enable the provision of information and documentation between your company and the ZEC Consulting is the most appropriate, taking as its inspiring principles efficiency, effectiveness, clarity and simplicity.

Also in this area, we can offer you a tailor-made and integrated labour solution within your company, paying special attention to the interaction of labour information with that of the other areas, mainly with the necessary information for management.

    Our labour relations department offers you, among others, the following services:

    Correct application of the pertinent labor agreement.
    Preparation of payrolls.
    Preparation of Social Security and Transmission to Social Security: Preparation of models TC-1, TC-2, monthly, according to the payrolls prepared.
    Also the transmission of the TC2 to the Social Security through the RED system and the debiting of the TC1 model to the bank account through the RED system.
    Preparation and presentation of workers' contracts to the Regional Employment Service.
    Preparation and presentation of employee registration, cancellation and variation reports to the Social Security authorities.
    Calculation and preparation of liquidations and settlements, in the cases of workers leaving the company, which may arise at any time.
      Presentation of Taxes: while the contract is in force, Form 111 (Quarterly declaration of income tax) and Form 190 (annual summary) shall be prepared.
      Issue of the Certificate of Withholdings of all the workers.
      Preparation and Management of Sickness and Accident Reports: Preparation and notification to the Social Security of the worker's work situation.
      Wage cost reports.
      Conciliations before the SMAC and other bodies.
      Representation before the Social Court.
      Jurisdictional and administrative appeals.
      Advice and assistance in Labour Inspections.

      If you wish to hire our Labour Consultancy service, do not hesitate to contact us through the following form.

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