At Zec Consulting the most important thing is our clients’ satisfaction

To do this we pay special attention to the human side of the business, we give quality personalized technical advice, designed by and for your company, our maxim is customer satisfaction and from this perspective we take care that you have the best advice, all in the interests of achieving an optimal economic result by your company in carrying out its activity.


See Quality Policy

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At Zec Consulting the most important thing is our clients’ satisfaction

To do this we pay special attention to the human side of the business, we give quality personalized technical advice, designed by and for your company, our maxim is customer satisfaction and from this perspective we take care that you have the best advice, all in the interests of achieving an optimal economic result by your company in carrying out its activity.

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The most important thing is the satisfaction of our customers.

Quality of service, oriented to the satisfaction of the client who is our top priority.

And to achieve this, we pay special attention to the human side of the business; we analyze the personal profile of each of our clients; we try to find out what has motivated to become an entrepreneur; what they expect to get out of their business; what degree of risk and uncertainty they are willing to take and ultimately what goals they want to achieve.

All of the above, together with quality technical advice, puts us in the position of being able to offer our clients a global vision of their business, an designed especially by and for your company, some valuable tips that will will make it possible to achieve not only an optimum economic result but also those personal goals that will allow you to feel fully satisfied.

Our Services

The ZEC Consulting project has evolved over the years adapting to the economic and fiscal policies that have been changed to give the most correct service.

Our premises are:

  • Vocation of service 100% 100%
  • Commitment to customers 100% 100%
  • Excellence 100% 100%

Accounting Advice

Correct accounting is the necessary basis for sound, secure, efficient tax management and effective.

Tax Advice

Our tax advice service starts with a preliminary analysis of the company or professional activity.

Labour Consultancy

Study, design and implementation of a system administrative-labour taking as principles efficiency, clarity and simplicity.

Financial Advice

Our financial advisory service is staffed by trained and experienced bankers.

Real Estate Advice

Comprehensive advice on the management of properties, both in their purchase or sale as in their maintenance or lease.

Legal Advice

We offer our clients ZEC companies specialized legal advice.

Advice and processing of holiday home

We guide you by giving you the necessary guidelines to develop the activity according to the legality.


We have experienced auditors in the making of audit reports for companies and internal audit procedures.

Business Consulting

We deal with the areas of tax, accounting, labour and not as isolated entities but as a group of as an indivisible whole.

Expert Reports

We carry out the Expert Reports with reliable economists experienced in making reports to defend the issues clearly in dispute, either argued and founded.


We carry out practically any procedure or management that as an individual or company might need.

Consulting for the protection of Data

We carry out the entire process of adaptation to the RGPD and the LOPDGDD, through the extensive experience of our professionals.


Our grants department and will advise you on the best ways to suit your needs.

Translation and Interpretation

We offer you highly professional qualified to work in English, German and Spanish.

ZEC / Canary Islands Special Zone

We are committed collaborators with the ZEC, a low tax zone with to promote economic development and social life of the Canary Archipelago.

How can we help you?

Our team of professionals will be happy to assist you and assess your case, to offer you a totally personalized advice.